The list of supporters for FY 2024 will be available shortly. Thank you for your patience.
Read the letter from our Executive Director
Dear Friends, Partners, and Supporters,

As we close another year, I reflect deeply on both the trials and triumphs that have shaped St. John Center’s journey in Fiscal Year 2024. This year has tested our endurance and resiliency as an agency, but more significantly, it has tested the perseverance of our clients—our unhoused neighbors—whose struggles highlight the unyielding barriers they face every day. These trials have become tests of our collective strength and will, shaping the remarkable triumphs we are honored to celebrate with you.
The housing crisis in our community remains severe, particularly for those living at or below 30% of Area Median Income (AMI). The scarcity of affordable housing continues to strain our efforts to move people off the streets and into safe, stable homes. Yet, in the face of these systemic challenges, we’ve witnessed profound courage. The opioid crisis rages on, and the criminalization of homelessness adds another layer of hardship. Meanwhile, the lasting effects of COVID-19 have worsened health disparities, especially among the unhoused. Despite these obstacles, we continued to serve with purpose, expanding our services to meet a growing demand.
Trials: A Year of Endurance and Expansion
In Fiscal Year 2024, we took on new projects to better serve those in need. We completed critical renovations to our shelter bathrooms, making them room accessible and ADA-friendly—an improvement long overdue and essential for dignity and inclusion. Alongside Louisville Metro Government, we piloted an inclement weather program, placing some of the hardest-to-shelter individuals in hotel stays, coupled with supportive services. This initiative helped us prepare for the population we will serve at Sheehan Landing, part of our Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Program. While we made strides with Sheehan Landing, our single-site housing development set to open in Spring 2025, we also expanded our scattered-site housing program in partnership with the Louisville Metro Housing Coalition.
Our work in response to the housing crisis was supplemented by our efforts to adapt financially. This year, we laid the groundwork to begin billing Medicaid for our supportive housing clients. This initiative will help ensure the long-term sustainability of our services, especially as we expand with Sheehan Landing.
Triumphs: Celebrating Strength, Partnership, and Progress
Despite these trials, Fiscal Year 2024 was a year of triumphs. Together, we served 3,070 people who visited our Day Shelter 51,676 times, providing not just shelter but comprehensive support. Over 70% of guests used additional social services, with 1,413 housing-related services provided to 551 individuals, demonstrating the critical need for holistic support.
In our Street Outreach Program, we connected with 837 people living in encampments, offering 7,839 services. Sixty-six individuals served by our outreach team moved into housing—a victory in the face of formidable barriers.
But perhaps our greatest triumph is the progress we’ve made at Sheehan Landing, where we look forward to moving 80 of our most vulnerable neighbors into permanent supportive housing in the Spring of 2025. This achievement is monumental, offering long-term stability to those who need it most.
Additionally, 99% of the 135 individuals in our Permanent Supportive Housing Program maintained their housing for 12 months or more, with 52% of participants gaining or maintaining income. These outcomes reflect the success of our mission to not only house but support individuals on their path to self-sufficiency.
One story that captures the heart of our work is that of G, a client of our Outreach Team. For years, G struggled with serious medical issues, including cancer, while living in makeshift shelters in the woods. His health deteriorated when his home was destroyed, and instability complicated his access to care. However, once G connected with our program, he was able to focus on his treatment. With even temporary stable housing through our hotel pilot program, he attended all his medical appointments and was declared cancer-free near the program’s end. This newfound stability allowed G to heal and to begin the housing process, where he is now on track to secure a permanent home.
Collective Triumph: Gratitude for Our Community
None of these victories would be possible without our dedicated staff, volunteers, partners, and donors. Fiscal Year 2024 was marked by an expansion of partnerships, which bolstered our capacity to serve more people in more meaningful ways. As we grow, we remain rooted in the values that guide us—housing first, partnerships,dignity, and a belief in the potential of every person we serve.
As we look ahead, we are both humbled and hopeful. While the challenges of affordable housing, public health, and economic disparity remain, the triumphs of this year remind us that together, we can create lasting change. We are immensely grateful for your unwavering support, and we invite you to continue this journey with us as we prepare to open Sheehan Landing and write the next chapter of our shared story.

Ra’Shann Martin
Executive Director, St. John Center

Day Shelter and Social Services Center
people visited the Day Shelter and Social Services Center 51,676 times
state I.D. and birth certificate services provided
housing-related services provided for 551 guests
of Day Shelter guests are veterans
of guests used social services in addition to basic shelter, shower, phone, and mail services

Street Outreach

people on the streets and in encampments served by Street Outreach
services provided by Street Outreach
people served by Street Outreach moved home

Permanent Supportive Housing
of people in the PSH program maintained their housing for 12+ months
people are in the PSH program living at home with supportive services
of those in the PSH program gained or maintained income

Our Partners: FY 2024

Addiction Recovery Care (ARC)
Arthur Street Hotel
Block by Block
CARAT (Coordinating Assisting the Reuse of Assistive Technology)
Cathedral of the Assumption
Catholic Charities
Center for Supportive Housing
Christian Care Communities
Coalition for the Homeless
Dare to Care
Exodus Ministries
Family Health Center Phoenix Common Assessment Team
Feed Louisville
Free to Hope
Goodwill of Kentucky
Hope Village
House of Ruth
Indiana Wesleyan
Jeff Street Baptist Church
Jefferson County Clerk’s Office
Kentucky Harm Reduction Coalition
Kentucky Housing Corporation
Kept, Inc.
Legal Aid Society
Lexington Fair Housing Council
LDG Development
Louisville Metro Health Department
Metro Louisville Office of Resilience and Community Services
New Directions Housing Corp.
Peace Hospital
Safe Place
St. Vincent de Paul
Schumann Center
Seven Counties Services
UK/ Metro Louisville Health Department Syringe Exchange
Recovery Community Connection (LRCC)
Social Security Administration
Talbot House
Transit Authority of River City
Uniting Partners for Women and Children (UP)
University of Louisville Hospital Emergency Room and Emergency Psychiatric Services
University of Louisville, Kent School of Social Work
Veterans Administration
VOCAL Kentucky
Volunteers of America
YouthBuild Louisville
Board of Directors: FY 2024
Smith Rodes, Consultant, Chair
Thomas Simms, Simms and Schickel Law, Vice Chair
Brad Savko, Independence Bank, Treasurer
Whitney King, Secretary, Chase Bank
Julie Boatright, Immediate Past Chair, Humana
Susanne Binford, Veterans Administration
John Desmarais, Retired
Kevin Dunlap, Immediate Past Chair, Humana
Gabe Fritz, Winterwood Development
Julie Goetz, Aline
Ricardo Goodin, Family Health Centers
Mark Hohmann, Goodwill Industries
Kristy Inmon, Miranda Development
Bob Johnson, Humana
Phani Konduru, Brightspring Health Services
Brian Mangan, Elevance Health
Brandon Rodgers, Constellation
Jon Sanders, RTX Corporation
Gail Strange, Consultant
Jermaine Watkins, Demeter Logistics
Aaron Watt, Humana
Jamie Webb, HelloSpoke
Staff: FY 2024
Day Shelter and Social Services Center
Cortney Foster
Day Shelter Manager
Robin Harrod
Interim Day Shelter Manager
Anthony Johnson
Safety and Services Manager
Shannon Frey
Volunteer Coordinator
Dee Anderson
Safety and Services Specialist
Nikki Compere
Housing Specialist
Michael Constantino
Safety and Services Specialist
Ella Franklin
Safety and Services Specialist
Keesha Gardner
Volunteer Coordinator
Alfred Gatewood
Wright Gordon
Safety and Services Specialist
Robin Harrod
Safety and Services Specialist
Susan Kraft
Safety and Services Specialist
RoShawn Maddox
Tristaun Martin
Safety and Services Specialist
Thomas Parmenter
Housing Specialist
T.J. Schumann
Safety and Services Specialist
Destiny Wheatley
Housing Specialist
Tristaun Martin
Safety and Services Specialist
Thomas Parmenter
Housing Specialist
Street Outreach
T.J. Martin
Outreach Manager
Brian McAdams
Outreach Manager
Carrie Dorton
Lead Peer Outreach Specialist
Branden Livers
Outreach Specialist
Vernon Nixon
Outreach Specialist
Rebecca Sanders
Outreach Specialist
Angel Sivado
Outreach Specialist
Robert Sutton
Peer Support Outreach Specialist
Rosita Velez
Outreach Housing Specialist
Permanent Supportive Housing
Sarah Buckler
Director of Housing
Tom Parmenter
Supportive Housing Manager
James Alexander
Housing Case Manager
Kirbey Bruce
Housing Case Manager
Ronda Cobbin
Housing Case Manager
Jean Griggs
Housing Case Manager
Amanda Hay
Housing Case Manager
Brooke Jones
Housing Case Manager
Mykiah Jones
Housing Case Manager
Destinee Jones
Housing Case Manager
Kevin Stallard
Housing Peer Specialist
Israel Smith
Housing Case Manager
Ra’Shann Martin
Executive Director
Mary Luke Noonan
Associate Director
Sarah Buckler
Director of Housing
Dawn Howard
Director of Finance
Devan King
Director of Operations
T.J. Martin
Director of Homeless Services
Ashley Murray
Director of Mission Advancement
Jane Walsh
Director of Mission Advancement
Shalonda Brown
Human Resources Manager
Kathryn Crawford
Grants Coordinator
Valerie Dunbar
Grants Administrator
Jim Fulkerson
Development Coordinator
Ashley Jacobs
Finance Coordinator
Dustin Ketterman
Grants Administrator
Karen Morris
Grants Administrator
Traci Proffitt
Accounting Coordinator
Jenn Young
Coordinator of Special Events