Mission Success: 2021 Outcomes
people who came to St. John Center
moved home.
2,069 individuals visited the Day Shelter and Social Services Center a total of 39,688 times
2,476 housing-related services provided for 528 guests
At least 79% of guests who visited the Day Shelter and Social Services Center also received at least 1 supportive service
11% of Day Shelter guests are veterans
1,183 adults served by the Street Outreach Team
10,170 services and referrals performed by the Street Outreach Team
61 of those served by Street Outreach entered permanent housing
31 At least 24 Metro Council Districts served by Street Outreach
118 people in Permanent Supportive Housing
55% of those in Permanent Supportive Housing gained or maintained income
99% of those in Permanent Supportive Housing retained their housing for 12 months or longer